Stasis - Liara (Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC Mission Reward). Here's the Bonus Powers, and which character unlocks them: Just try not to do it too much, though as Element Zero is by far the rarest of the elements. This research can be repeated, which means you can experiment with a bonus power and then swap it for another if you wish - the skill points spent on the power will be refunded. This costs 5000 Element Zero, and allows you to teach Shepard one of the bonus powers, which will then appear as a bonus skill on their character screen. To bequeath your Shep with a bonus, simply go to the research terminal aboard the Normandy in Mordin's science lab and use the Advanced Training research. Shepard can only have access to one bonus power at any given time. Bonus powers actually remain unlocked into New Game Plus and other subsequent play-throughs of ME2, also - so you can begin to spec characters in interesting ways right from the start if you're inclined to play the game more than once. There's one Bonus Power for each member of the main playable cast of squadmates and party members in Mass Effect 2, plus one extra bonus power for ME1 squadmate Liara T'Soni, who has a significant appearance in one DLC mission strand.Įach bonus power is basically a unique skill that up until that point is exclusive to the character in question - and they're all unlocked by completing each character's loyalty mission and securing their loyalty. ME2 Bonus Powers and how to unlock them in Advanced Training On this page, we run down all ME2 Bonus Powers available through Advanced Training, and drop our picks for the best bonus powers. With your Advanced Weapon Training, this allows you to customize your class more than you'd first think. Each bonus power is unique, and some are better than others, with the exact suitability depending on your character class and play style. In some menus, these are also called Unique Squad Member Powers. With that name, it's not a surprise to say your squadmates are also key to unlocking the bonus powers.
The function of the Advanced Training is pretty simple - it allows Shepard to pick up a bonus power that's based directly on one of his squadmates. One key pillar of this is the Bonus Powers that Shepard can recieve - one extra power that's picked via the Advanced Training research project that becomes available part-way through the game. The RPG systems in Mass Effect 2 are streamlined when compared to the first game in the series, but in many ways ME2 offers improvements and adjustments to make the role-playing progression you can do more satisfying.